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Safe Patient Handling & Mobility Bariatric Care Case Study


Healthcare providers holding a discussion in a hospital hallway.


The United States has seen a dramatic increase in obesity rates over the past 20 years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approximate 34% of adults and 17% of children and adolescents are obese.1 The number of hospital admissions related to obesity has tripled, reaching a record high of 2.8 million in 2009. Of those patients admitted, an estimated 10% were considered morbidly obese.2 Nearly $117 billion is spent on health and health-related issues due to obesity.2 The increase in obese patients became a reality for this facility that was underprepared to provide safe care and handling for a patient in the hospital’s intensive care unit. This case study illustrates the challenges of caring for obese patients and the need for solutions, which Hillrom helped them discover.


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Care Settings: Acute Care

Clinical Focus: Safe Patient Handling & Mobility

Content Type: Case Studies